Braid earrings, several colors

Braid earrings, several colors


Deliciously colored macrame braid earrings. Look and fairly large but very light to carry

Handmade - Maiju Anttalainen
SKU: N/A Category:


There is a difference in the material of the yarn between the different colors, which affects the overall look of the jewelry. Some have a smooth shine and others have a wool-like roughness

Hook made of surgical steel

Yarn of high quality recycled material

Jewelry height 9 cm with hook

The color can be selected from the drop-down menu

A typical feature of macrame jewelry is that the fringe “lives” in use. If desired, the fringe can be sprayed with odorless hairspray and lightly combed straight


Additional information

Weight N/A

Sähkönsininen, Purkkapinkki, Okra, Murrettu persikka, Kirsikan punainen, Kaktuksen vihreä, Havun vihreä kimallus, Vanha roosa, Mintunvihertävä, Luumu, MustaHopea, Navy, Harmaa, Siniharmaa, Hiekka, Valkeakimallus


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